Once again we had a very productive meeting with many positive outcomes. Please read below to review the decisions we made for the upcoming months.
#1. The caulking (Foothills Building Components, contract close to being confirmed) and painting (Harding's Painting) of all the windows and doors is in motion and we are close to entering into contracts with reputable vendors to complete the work. The caulking will be done this spring and early summer and the painting mid to late summer! Included in the contract for the Phase 1 and 2 is the painting of the front decks, the loose paint will be scraped off and light sanding done and paint applied. All the paint applied to windows, doors and decks is called "Flood" paint and is the best product we could find on the market to withstand the elements. Come September our community is going to look fresh and rejuvenated and we are all very excited about it and hope you are to!
#2. The back decks in Phase 1 will be replaced without a special assessment to the owners of Phase 1. Half of the decks will be replaced in Summer 08 and the remaining will be replaced in Summer 09. We had devised a financial strategy to do this work without additional cost to you so that is great news. We will be replacing the entire deck (except the divider will be re-used), the railings will be white metal and the deck floor will be a no maintenance material that is durable and will last for years to come. The board and Ultimate will be doing a Spring walk around of the property to assess all work that needs to be done during the summer and at the same time Ultimate will determine which decks will be replaced first. To make it fair the board will not tell them which decks are ours during the walk around so the decision of whose decks are replaced will not be a joint effort between the board and Ultimate it will be Ultimates decision. Remember if your neighbors deck has been deemed unsafe and is part of the first deck replacement then yours will be replace as well because they are joined together and will be replaced as one large deck.
#3. The board is discussing having Longview Landscaping do a spring garbage pickup from the property. This would enable owners to clean-up under their decks and around their units and bring garbage to a central location and Longview would remove it. Stuff like, old wood and junk that has collected on your deck or under it. Would you be interested in something like this? Let us know by adding a comment to this post on the blog.
#4. We discussed lawn care this spring/summer and stuck in the same situation as every other year, Do we fertilize the lawns and risk wasting the money due to lack of watering by owners? We want to fertilize (aerating is not in the budget for 2008, we will revisit this in 2009) and we want owners to water their lawns but of course there is no guarantees. We are going to continue discussing this matter and will keep you updated. We would like your feedback by posting a comment on the blog.
#5. ATTENTION ALL UNITS THAT HOLD THE MASTER WATER VALVES! Please contact Betty at Ultimate as soon as you can so we have a complete list of the units that have all 4 master water valves for the building (4 units). We need this list in case of emergency. All units have a water shut off valve but one of the 4 has the master water shut off to the street. Thank you for your attention to this.
#6. The March/April newsletter will be distributed soon and along with it you will receive a pet registration notice. It is very important we know what pets you have in your house in case of an emergency. Please fill out the form and return it to Ultimate ASAP if you have pets.
#7. The Spring walk around will take place late April and we are looking for ANY work that needs to be done to siding, lawns, roofs, drain sprouts etc. We will also be looking at what items are on owners decks with the bylaws in mind. If you are unsure what can be on your deck and need information please contact Betty at Ultimate for a list of allowable items. During the walk through we will have to walk onto your deck to assess possible damage. We will post the date when it is confirmed on the Blog as a heads up.
#8. The window and door specs are coming together and we will distribute a copy to all owners once we have them complete.
#9. The next AGM meeting will take place mid year 2008 but has not been determined to date.
#10. The usual reminder that all complaints or inquires have to be submitted in writing to Ultimate for them to be discussed and resolved. Thank you for your cooperation.