Now that the weather is nicer more of us are out and about enjoying the neighborhood. The Spring and Summer is a great time to get to know your neighbor and enjoy being outdoors! A few notifications...
1. The weeds on the lawns will be taken care of as soon as the ground is dry to ensure the spray works. In the meantime we suggest you at least remove the yellow heads of the dandelions before they go to seed and get worse. If we get in the habit of doing this year to year maybe we could get rid of them!
2. We have receive a few complaints about Doggy Do Do not being picked up around the complex, please please please pick up the poo! If there is dead grass around your unit from the Doggy Pee (this is hard to prevent) please plant some grass seed to even out the lawn. As all dog owners know having a pet means cleaning up them and repairing and damage they have have caused.
3. With all the rain we have been having the lawns are nice and green, lets work together to keep it that way, water when they are looking a little dry a couple times a week and the complex as a whole will be much easier on the eye!
4. The Phase 2 Spring walk around will take place on June 6 so you will see us out and about looking for any maintenance issues that have been neglected to cleanup this year and well as taking a look to make sure the decks as neat and tidy.
5. The Annual General Meeting is coming up on June 19. We thank you in advance for your attendance, this is a great way for you to voice your opinions and concerns. We will also be looking for additional members on the Condo Board.
6. The Phase 1 Spring walk around was completed and lots of great maintenance work will be done throughout the phase over the next couple of months. Such things as water faucets that are not properly attached to the house and overgrown shrubs/trees will be taken care of...Finally!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Betty at Ultimate.