Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Phase II Retaining Wall

Work to replace four portions of the Phase II retaining wall has been delayed due to hold ups obtaining city permits. Phase II homeowners should have received information regarding the retaining wall and the special assessment. If you did not, please contact Ultimate Property Management. 

The Board and Ultimate Property Management continue to work with the city to resolve all outstanding issues.

Christmas Decorating Tips

The holiday season is fast approaching. Below are tips for decorating this holiday season.

Before setting up Christmas tree lights, ensure the strings are inspected for damages (e.g. frayed cords, damaged sockets). Remove and replace damaged sets immediately with sets that are C.S.A. approved.

Only lights approved for indoor use should be used inside your home.

Only lights approved for outdoor use should be used outside your home.

Ensure electrical cords used to power Christmas lights and decorations are CSA approved and in good repair.

Ensure that metal decorations (e.g. icicles, tinsel, and garland) are kept away from bulb sockets and are not touching the lights, as these can be conductors of electricity.

Ensure tree decorations are flame-resistant or non-combustible.

Ensure that all Christmas tree lights are turned off when leaving your home.

Ensure highly flammable materials (e.g. cotton batting) are not used as decorations. Use flame-resistant or non-combustible materials only.

February 28 is the deadline to remove Christmas decorations.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Winter Preparation

Now that fall is coming upon us it is time to clean up the flower garden. Please clean out the leaves, dead growth, debris and garbage from your garden area to prepare it for winter. This is also the time of the year for planting bulbs for next year’s garden.

Disconnect all outdoor hoses and bring them inside to prevent freezing.

Make sure your outside water tap is turned off and drained to prevent the pipe from freezing.

Check your outside outlet and make sure it is working before the freezing weather.

Test your smoke and fire alarms and replace batteries.

Replace furnace filters and have your furnace professional cleaned.

ATCO Gas provides FREE annual furnace and natural gas appliance checks. Call ATCO Gas Customer Assistance Centre – Calgary 403-245-7888 for more information.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hail Damage

Due to the recent hails storms the exterior of some of our buildings have been damaged.  An insurance claim will be submitted.  Please contact Ulitimate Property Mangement if you have noticed any damage.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Holidays

The Board does not meet over the summer months. However, we are in contact via email and will make decisions.
Please contact Ultimate Property Management if you have any questions or concerns.

Walk Around

The Board and Ultimate Property Management completed a walk around in early June.  Several concerns were identified and are being rectified or planned as future work.  Please let us know if you have any concerns.  Please contact Ultimate Property Management or leave your comments on the blog.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thank You for attending the Annual General Meeting

The Board would like to thank everyone who attended the AGM last week.

We always welcome feedback from you to ensure we are making the right decisions to ensure our property is maintained according to the Bylaws and has a uniform look and function.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spring Walk Around

The Board will be scheduling a spring walk around to assess the complex for items in need of repair.  Scheduled date is June 11 (weather permitting). 

The results of the walk around will allow the Board to identify issues that need to be addressed and plan for future work.  Please let us know if you have any concerns.  Please contact Ultimate Property Management or leave your comments on the blog.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Clean-Up

Now that spring has finally arrived it is time to clean up the flower gardens. Please clean out the leaves, dead growth, debris and garbage from your garden area.

It is vital that you clean up all the dead growth as this can harbour diseases and insects that may affect the new, green growth emerging from plants.

Over the months our siding and windows get dirty from the weather elements. The Board encourages homeowners to use a spray hose on their siding and wash windows to make everything look bright and fresh for the coming season.

Siding and window washing will not be provided this year.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Street Cleaning

The City will be starting the street cleaning soon. Currently Mountview / Winston Heights is scheduled for May 16 – 17. The schedule for street cleaning can be checked at the following web address: (http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/Roads/Pages/Road-Maintenance/Spring-Clean-up-street-cleaning/Spring-Clean-up-street-cleaning.aspx).

Please be conscious of street cleaning dates and move your vehicle when the signs are posted. If you are going to be away during the time please move your vehicle to your assigned parking spot. In previous years when we’ve gotten notification several vehicles were not moved which did not allow for proper street cleaning. When the street is not cleaned properly it causes a built up of gravel / dirt which often covers up the drainage grates which could cause flooding issues in our area.

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Board Members

Elections of Board members will take place at the Annual General Meeting. There will be positions available.

2012 Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday May 30, 2012 at Winston Heights Community Centre from 7 to 9 pm. It is important for all owners to attend this meeting. Ultimate Property Management will be sending out notices in the near future.

Garbage Bins - May 17 to May 27

Two large garbage bins are being provided to help facilitate your spring cleaning – May 17 to May 27, 2012. The bins will be located on the cement pad in the alley behind Merrill Drive (Phase I) and in the parking area between 32nd and 33rd Street.

Please place your items inside the bin. No large items (furniture, appliances) or chemicals are permitted.

Household chemicals (paint, antifreeze, automotive batteries, glues, nail polish and remover, propane tanks, fertilizer, ant, rodent or weed killer, bleach, cleaning solvents, etc. can be dropped off at Household Chemical Drop-Off locations (selected fire stations or landfill site). Our closest fire department is Fire Station # 4 at 1991 – 18th Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations.

Electronics (computers, laptops, monitors, TV, printers, keyboards, etc) can be dropped off at the city electronic recycling depots. Our closest electronic recycling depot is Staples on 32nd Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations.

Please think of the environment before throwing out items. What you consider garbage may be useful to someone else. There are many centres that are looking for used furniture such as the Calgary Drop-In Centre which will pick up items free of charge. Clothing and light household items can be donated to thrift shops.

These are all extra steps for us but a better solution for a healthy environment.

Thursday, March 8, 2012



Our recycling is picked up each Thursday. The Board encourages you to recycle as we are paying for the service for each townhouse.

Recycling bins are not to be stored on front steps. Please keep them on your back deck or inside your home.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Update from the Board

Four roofs will be replaced in Phase I and one roof will be replaced in Phase II this year. Depending on the weather work will commence in the near future. Homeowners will be notified by the roofing company prior to the work being started. Roofs were selected as per the roof study and by review with the roofing company.

The Board is in the process of getting quotes for sidewalk replacement for Phase I. Sidewalks will be replaced as per the budget and need.

Work to replace the Phase II retaining wall will start later this year. Phase II owners should have received information regarding the retaining wall and the special assessment.

The Board will be scheduling a spring walk around to assess areas of concern. Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Time to take down the Christmas decorations

February 28 is the deadline to remove Christmas decorations.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Trees

Please place Christmas trees in the designated garbage areas within the dates as specified by the City of Calgary (see below post). Additional expenses are incurred when trees are left after these dates.

Christmas tree recycling program - City of Calgary

Give Mother Nature a gift. Recycle your real Christmas tree.
Calgarians recycled 36,000 Christmas trees last year. That's a 20 per cent increase in the Christmas tree recycling program since the introduction of residential pick up just two years ago.

This year, you have the option to recycle your real Christmas tree using one of the two services below. When preparing your tree, remember the following:

•Remove all ornaments, tinsel and the tree stand.
•Do not bag or wrap your tree (including recycling tree bags).

Pick up
•The City will once again pick up Christmas trees from households with City residential garbage collection.
•What to do: Place your tree on the ground near your black cart collection spot by 7 a.m. on Monday Jan. 9, 2012. It will be picked up within two weeks.
•Check the status of Christmas tree collection for your community.

•The City will also have eight temporary drop-off depots for trees. These depots will be open Dec. 26, 2011 to Jan. 22, 2012.
•What to do:View a map of drop-off locations.
Drop off locations
•Fire Hall #15 - 6328 35th Ave. N.W.
•Prairie Winds Park - 223 Castleridge Blvd. N.E.
•Bottomlands Park - St. George's Drive and Seventh Ave. N.E.
••Spyhill Landfill - 69th Street and 112 Avenue N.W.
•East Calgary Landfill - 17th Avenue and 68th Street S.E.
•Shepard Landfill - 114th Avenue and 68th Street S.E.
For more information, see the landfill hours of operation.
(Information from the City of Calgary website)

Happy New Year

The Board would like to wish you all the best in the new year.