Friday, March 8, 2013

Phase I Monthly Fee Increase

Homeowners in Phase I received the annual budget package which stated there would not be in increase in monthly fees in 2013. However, you may have noticed an increase in your recent payment. Unfortunately, Ultimate Property Management made a calculation error which resulted in a small increase in monthly fees. This was not noticed until after the new fees were assigned by Ultimate’s financial department. We apologize for the over sight.

Neighbourhood Watch

It has been noticed that a man has been rummaging thru the contents of our patios and decks (with and without gates). He has been seen going thru bags and tossing the contents on the ground leaving a mess. He has also been seen looking into windows.

Ultimate Property Management has suggested homeowners contact the City of Calgary Police Department if you see him on private or condo property.

Refundable beverage containers are not to be left on patios and decks. If you choose to put your refundable beverage containers in your blue recycling bin please do so only when placing your bin out on recycling day. Hopefully, this will discourage people from coming on our private areas and rummaging in the recycling bins. Please check your Bylaws or contact Ultimate Property Management if you have any questions on what is allowed on decks and patios.