Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spring Complex Walk-Through

The Spring walk through has been done for Phase One. The decks that will be replaced in 2008 have been determined and will be released soon along with all the other findings from the walk through. The Phase Two walk through will be scheduled soon, when the date is determined it will be posted here. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ultimate before the next board meeting on May 21.


Anonymous said...

I'm concerned with the mess dogs are leaving on the lawns. Dead grass spots are becoming a very big problem around the property. Does the owner of the pet have responsibility to fix this?

Also, I'm tired of stepping in dog doo when I go out into the back green space. I think there's some pet owners who are letting their dogs out to go, and not following them with a bag. Then they forget or don't see where the mess has been made. They have some consideration for their neighbors and pick after their pets. Maybe a reminder out to them would help.

Shelley Martin, Blog said...

Thanks for your comment. I will post a notice on the Blog and we will also include a reminder in the next newsletter.