Sunday, October 5, 2008

Phase One Deck Project Update

The City of Calgary has confirmed the Phase One Decks are built to code as long as the stairs are 36" wide. Thank you,

The board is in the process of organizing a garbage pick up for the lattice and any other garbage stored under the old decks. The date/time/location will be posted in the next day or two please check back.

The board is also investigating painting the pillars that have unpainted areas due to the installation of the new decks, this will be done in 2009 since the warm weather this year is over.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good.
Thank You!

Anonymous said...

thats great - for the next round of decks can the hand rails please be the same width as the stairs then

Anonymous said...

According to the Building Code Act:

Subsection 9.8.2. Stair Dimensions Stair Width Exit stairs and public stairs shall have a width, measured between wall faces or guards (railings), of not less than 900 mm (36”)

Would the board please immediately confirm that the proposed 30” opening in the railings on the back decks is in fact legal? Thanks.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Anonymous said...
So, the 30in opening in the exterior exit stairs for the back deck people means the railing obstructs the bulding code and fire code minimim of 36 inches. please have this confirmed ASAP

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Anonymous said...
I'm wondering why no one is addressing this problem. It is an obvious code vialation. I noticed that people are beginning to remove the stair rail and side rail when the need to move things in or out. Not really an ideal set up. Not to mention the breaking of fire and building codes!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008