I just confirmed with the City our complexes are NOT eligible for city curbside recycling. There reasoning is as follows. When the independent recycling companies were upset because the city was introducing the program which would take business away from them the city came up with a proposal. The proposal that was decided on was the city would be responsible for all single family dwelling residences up to a four plex on a property and the independents can service everyone else. I figured since we were in a sense four plex's they would consider servicing our area since the independent recycling companies charge so much more then the $8.00/month others will be paying for city service.
I am personally very disappointed and have been looking forward to this program for years. I am going to pay to have my recycling picked up and was wondering if anyone else is interested in doing the same. The more people interested the better discount I would be able to get for all of us. Please email me directly if you are interested to elaina.bordush@live.com.
Thank you,
Is there an e-mail for the city that we can send comments to?
I don't see how we are not considered a four plex.
Depots remain in place. Community recycling depots will remain in place and will be converted in conjunction with the blue cart recycling program roll out. Depots will also accept plastics and require no sorting.
Taken from the City of Calgary website.
The closest recycling depot is at the Renfrew Athletic Park on 16th Ave. Honestly, I don't mind saving the $8 a month to drive it over to 16th.
We are probably not considered a 4-plex because our units are still located on one large parcel (for land titles and assessment purposes). Not sure if the city has a way of knowing we are grouped in 4's. It may be alright as long as the depots do start allowing the same materials as the curbside pick-up. And who knows, they could still surprise us and include us. It has been known to happen before
Why is there not someone to reply to these questions or responses. People put comments on this blog and rarely is there a response. Why is that?
I have noticed that one of the units in phase one has a big black composter on the side of their unit. It is very noticable from the street. Is this acceptable? If so, for the units in the middle of the four, can we put the composter on common property? What are the bylaws on this?
Agree with the second poster - dropping off recycling at a depot (especially since many are at a grocery store that we're going to anyway) is a lot easier and cheaper than paying $8/mon.
Are the privates more expensive? My inlaws in the SW pay less than $8/mon and they recycle more than what the city was proposing.
Hi there, just FYI, The City has FAQ's on the recycling program on their website:
If the above link does not work go to www.calgary.ca and navigate to Waste & Recycling under Business Units.
The concept and plan of this recycling program has been in the works for many years now (as early as 2003) and the time for public input has long passed - you have to be an active participant in our local democratic government all the time - not just when things don't go your way LOL. Complaining to Aldermen now doesn't help - citizens had the chance to voice their opinions when the item when to the Utilities and Environment committee before it went to City Council.
In answer to why Mountview Parc doesn't qualify as a "fourplex" - there are more than four units on a parcel of land (our common property) - see below.
Who Is Eligible?
The City will provide weekly blue cart recycling service to approximately 300,000 single family homes up to and including fourplexes. Multifamily residences, farms and acreages will not receive service from The City of Calgary. Multifamily includes buildings with more than four units (e.g. apartments) and residential complexes with more than four units on a parcel of land. Community recycling depots will remain in place.
The upside is that we won't be charged the 8 dollars a month yet. As the other blog posters have mentioned - there are still community drop off sites you can utilize.
On 2008 May 12 Council approved a Notice of Motion (NM2008-25) which contained:
“That The City of Calgary will not undertake collection of
recyclables from multifamily residences prior to 2020,
provided The City is on track in achieving its targets to
divert 80% of its waste from land fills by 2020.”
Hope this helps.
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