When oh when will it stop snowing! It has been a long long winter and I am sure we can ALL agree we are getting stir crazy spending so much time in-doors and all we ask it that the snows melts and we can get out into our flower beds and dig in the dirt and plant our flowers!
It has been many many months we have been couped up listening to our neighbors do there thing next door. Since we all share walls it is important we are conscious of what we do and the noise levels that come from our unit. The board wants to thank everyone for being a good neighbour. The board is making final edits to the updated set of bylaws and they will soon be distributed for your review and approval. We hope the slight changes we have made will satisfy the way we all like to live in MountviewParc.
Thanks again for being a good neighbour! We all live under an extensive set of bylaws and it is hard to remeber all of them, if you witness a bylaw infraction taking place please take a friendly approach to remind your neighbor of the bylaw.
Thank you,
I have just managed to read through the revised set of by-laws and was really upset to see that, if they pass, I will no longer be allowed to use my charcoal barbecue.
One of the first things that I checked for, prior to removing conditions of sale when I bought my unit last year, was to make sure that charcoal barbecues were permitted. Now, just over a year later, I'm told that these are no longer allowed. I would dearly love to know the reason that the joy has just been taken out of my summers here.
In case there is any confusion about charcoal barbecues, here are a few of the reasons that I chose to buy one.
1. For a person of low income, or struggling to get together a down payment for a home, they are the most cost affective (not to mention portable) option.
2. For someone that wants to be able to barbecue for more than one person, but doesn't have a car, a charcoal barbecue is the ONLY sensible option. Ever tried filling up a propane tank without one, or tried taking one on a bus?
3. Of all the available barbecuing options, charcoal is by far the safest. In most cases you can throw a handful of lit matches onto a pile of charcoal and it will still refuse to light. When was the last time you heard about a charcoal barbecue exploding, or someone accidentally leaving the charcoal barbecue on for days, throwing a cover over it thinking it was cold, and burning their house down? The city of New York, that has some of the highest density living in N.Am., bans the use of propane barbecues on balcony's for these very reasons - charcoal barbecues are still permitted.
For people concerned about the risk of fire caused by hot ashes being thrown away, I have this answer: For every charcoal barbecue that I have used over the past 15 years it has not been possible to even touch the ash container while the ashes are hot. These containers are made of metal, if you try to throw the ashes away before they are cold you will get burned. I have yet to figure out how it is even possible to do this!
Regarding the perception that barbecues smell/smoke more than propane/gas barbecues: When you light a charcoal barbecue they flame, once the flames die down, they smolder. While there is a distinctive smell, smoke is virtually absent. The only times that a charcoal barbecue smokes are: a) when you are cleaning the grill, and: b) when fat from food drips on the briquettes. This is the exactly the same for propane/gas grills. I used my charcoal grill a lot last summer and had not a single complaint.
In short, by banning charcoal barbecues you are limiting people's options and, also, possible sales of units (I'm not sure that I would have bought a place here if the new by-laws had been in force - like I said, I barbecue a lot). You are also potentially forcing people to use equipment that they aren't comfortable/familiar using. As far as I am concerned, when it comes to flammable/combustible substances/devices that are adjacent to wooden/vinyl homes, leaving people in their comfort zone is important. Forcing people out of it is dangerous and, to my mind, increases the risk of accidents. How many mistakes does it take to cause a fire?
I will not be signing off on these new by-laws until either this clause banning charcoal barbecues is removed, or, I have been provided with an indisputable reason why it shouldn't be.
I have tried calling Judy Walker about this and I'm waiting for her to return my call.
Thank you.
I have spoken with Judy Walker and have an answer. Please disregard my previous comment.
Hello Neighbors,
I can not beleive there is not an out cry to the new proposed by-laws.The fact that they want to be able to enter our private property with only 24 hours notice is enough to make me upset. I agree that they may need access, but I am an owner, not a renter and I believe I shouild have a little more of a say than that. Then the bi-laws say we are not to back into our parking stalls. WHAT!!! How can that be in the bi-laws????? Is no one else upset about a lot of these proposed by-laws. I will not be voting for these new by-laws. Has everyone read them????
I too think someone went TOO FAR with the 'no backing into our stalls'
Are you going to be out there checking every night? I know I am not. Are you going to issues by-law infraction letters each time someone parks like that?
Please explain that one.
Does anyone have any specks on back doors? I've been waiting three weeks for specks and have gotten nothing of use back. I was told by Rona that they don't even make that type of door anymore. Has anyone replaced a back door in the past 5 years and would be able to help with some info?
I'm an avid Barbequer as well, what reason did they give you that changed your mind?
I don't think I will be approving the new bylaws. I have just glanced at them but I am not impressed with the 24 hours notice to enter my home (when I pay the mortgage, taxes, condo fees and now a special assessment.
And what's wrong with backing into our parking stalls. Does anyone have a parking stall that is within a few feet of their door? My parking spot is a couple hundred feet from my back door.
Once again, I wonder about the management company!
Hi Avid BBQer,
Apparently, (according to Judy Walker) the new condo by-laws have been drawn up to meet City of Calgary by-law/fire code requirements for multi-family dwellings.
If Judy is right, charcoal barbecues are no longer permitted adjacent to multi-family dwellings. I can't find this on the city website though and I've not had time to call them and ask.
If it's right, there's nothing much to be done about it.
Regarding backing into the stalls - this is a requirement for condo bylaws, as Fire or Police must be able to see license plates as they drive by, and if vehicles are backed in, they cannot see the plates. This is not a board decision, but is a legal requirement.
Janet, who will be in charge of checking cars and issuing By-law infraction letters.
Will there be a fine each time there is a car backed in? I just can't see how this will be enforced.
This will be managed by the City and by any complaints received at Ultimate. Please contact Carole at Ultimate if you would like additional details. Thanks!
Does anyone know what is going on with the construction in the neighborhood? It has been causing a very large increase in our neighborhood trafic.
Did they not put a letter in your milbox about what;s going on construction wise? They are replacing the old sewer system. Sadly it will take all summer...arg...can anyone else here that pump loud and clear in thir house? I feel terrible for the people that live directly beside it.
I vacuum my car on a regular basis in my parking stall. Considering we park on a gravel drive way, our cars accumulate a great deal of dirt, dust, mud etc. I purchased a vacuum specifically for this reason and refuse to pay money at a car wash to vacuum my car. Is this considered "washing"?
I know this is from last year, but who made the decision to remove the lattice from our decks? I pick up garbage on a regular basis, but can someone please explain how we are supposed to remove wind blown garbage from underneath our decks? Without something closing the area off, a great deal of debris accumulates, not to mention how terribly unfinished the decks look without it! I think this decision should be seriously reconsidered.
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