Thanks to Conscientious Owners!
Many thanks to owners that have gone above and beyond during the past few months. The first is a Phase II owner, whose quick thinking and diligence prevented a pipe break from turning into a flood. The second is also a Phase II owner, who spent some time cleaning up garbage from our common property. We truly appreciate your efforts! Let us know if you or someone you know has committed a friendly neighbourhood act and we will recognize the effort in the next newsletter and on the blog!
Garbage and Abandoned Items
We trust that you have received the letter mailed out on April 27,2009 regarding a crack-down on garbage and abandoned items. If you didn’t, please contact Carole at Ultimate Property Management for a copy. Because of a number issues of non-compliance with both City and condominium bylaws, effective immediately:
• Unapproved items found on common property (including directly beside a unit or privacy area) will be considered abandoned and removed immediately without notice
• Owners and residents who store unapproved items on privacy areas will be granted 15 days notice to remove the items. If items are not removed by the deadline, they will be removed by the Corporation.
• There will be no compensation for items that are removed in accordance with our condominium bylaws, City bylaws and/or this notice.
• Where substantive evidence ties the unapproved item(s) to a particular unit, the unit’s owner will be billed for the costs of removal, as per our current bylaws (Section62.b.xiv).
• Units which do not adhere to the City of Calgary Garbage Collection Bylaws will be reported to the City of Calgary Bylaw Authority. If you see someone abandoning an item on common property or garbage collection site, please be community-minded and approach them directly to remind them of the relevant bylaw infraction. In addition, we encourage residents to contact the City of Calgary to report City bylaw infractions. In the case of a Condominium bylaw infraction, we invite residents to submit substantive (e.g.photo) evidence that ties the item(s) to a particular unit, owner or resident to Ultimate Property Management for further action.
Updates & Reminders
Bylaw Special Resolution— signed approval forms due ASAP!
Our bylaws are outdated and do not incorporate changes that have been made to the Condominium Act. Therefore, your Board has worked with Ultimate to update them. A copy was sent out for your approval in early April. 75% of owners must approve these for them to be passed. Please fax or mail your signed approval to Ultimate ASAP. As usual, please contact Ultimate with any questions.
Phase 1 Special Assessment— due August 1, 2009
The special assessment for Phase I is due August 1, 2009. Those wishing to make monthly payments prior to August 1st may do so by post-dated cheques (automatic debit is not possible). Please send post-dated cheques (or cheques with full payment) to Ultimate along with a note stating the intent of the cheques, and your full name, address and phone number.
Specifications for Exterior Items
It has come to our attention that the specifications for some of our exterior items (e.g., doors) have become outdated. Your Board is in the process of setting specifications for windows, doors, screens, storage sheds (upon approval of new bylaws), mailboxes, lights, address numbers etc. Please feel free to make suggestions on the blog by creating a post to this update. Stay tuned for more info!
Window Cleaning
Your Board is organizing to have our hard-to-reach windows cleaned this Spring. The cost of this can be covered within the budget for Phase II. Phase I owners will have the option of paying separately by unit. Please stay tuned for more information.
Compost Bins
Please be reminded that, as per previous notices, all compost bins will be removed from the property after the Spring walk-around (by June 1, 2009). If you wish to give your bin to a friend or family member please do so before then. If you received Board approval to place a composting bin on common property and can provide Ultimate with written confirmation of that approval you will be reimbursed for the cost of the bin ($25.00).
We trust that you have received the letter mailed out on April 27,2009 regarding a crack-down on garbage and abandoned items. If you didn’t, please contact Carole at Ultimate Property Management for a copy. Because of a number issues of non-compliance with both City and condominium bylaws, effective immediately:
• Unapproved items found on common property (including directly beside a unit or privacy area) will be considered abandoned and removed immediately without notice
• Owners and residents who store unapproved items on privacy areas will be granted 15 days notice to remove the items. If items are not removed by the deadline, they will be removed by the Corporation.
• There will be no compensation for items that are removed in accordance with our condominium bylaws, City bylaws and/or this notice.
• Where substantive evidence ties the unapproved item(s) to a particular unit, the unit’s owner will be billed for the costs of removal, as per our current bylaws (Section62.b.xiv).
• Units which do not adhere to the City of Calgary Garbage Collection Bylaws will be reported to the City of Calgary Bylaw Authority. If you see someone abandoning an item on common property or garbage collection site, please be community-minded and approach them directly to remind them of the relevant bylaw infraction. In addition, we encourage residents to contact the City of Calgary to report City bylaw infractions. In the case of a Condominium bylaw infraction, we invite residents to submit substantive (e.g.photo) evidence that ties the item(s) to a particular unit, owner or resident to Ultimate Property Management for further action.
Updates & Reminders
Bylaw Special Resolution— signed approval forms due ASAP!
Our bylaws are outdated and do not incorporate changes that have been made to the Condominium Act. Therefore, your Board has worked with Ultimate to update them. A copy was sent out for your approval in early April. 75% of owners must approve these for them to be passed. Please fax or mail your signed approval to Ultimate ASAP. As usual, please contact Ultimate with any questions.
Phase 1 Special Assessment— due August 1, 2009
The special assessment for Phase I is due August 1, 2009. Those wishing to make monthly payments prior to August 1st may do so by post-dated cheques (automatic debit is not possible). Please send post-dated cheques (or cheques with full payment) to Ultimate along with a note stating the intent of the cheques, and your full name, address and phone number.
Specifications for Exterior Items
It has come to our attention that the specifications for some of our exterior items (e.g., doors) have become outdated. Your Board is in the process of setting specifications for windows, doors, screens, storage sheds (upon approval of new bylaws), mailboxes, lights, address numbers etc. Please feel free to make suggestions on the blog by creating a post to this update. Stay tuned for more info!
Window Cleaning
Your Board is organizing to have our hard-to-reach windows cleaned this Spring. The cost of this can be covered within the budget for Phase II. Phase I owners will have the option of paying separately by unit. Please stay tuned for more information.
Compost Bins
Please be reminded that, as per previous notices, all compost bins will be removed from the property after the Spring walk-around (by June 1, 2009). If you wish to give your bin to a friend or family member please do so before then. If you received Board approval to place a composting bin on common property and can provide Ultimate with written confirmation of that approval you will be reimbursed for the cost of the bin ($25.00).
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