Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Garbage bins - May 17 - May 27, 2013

Two large garbage bins are being provided to help facilitate your spring cleaning – May 17 to May 27, 2012. The bins will be located on the cement pad in the alley behind Merrill Drive (Phase I) and in the parking area between 32nd and 33rd Street.

Please place your items inside the bin. No large items (furniture, appliances) or chemicals are permitted.

Household chemicals (paint, antifreeze, automotive batteries, glues, nail polish and remover, propane tanks, fertilizer, ant, rodent or weed killer, bleach, cleaning solvents, etc. can be dropped off at Household Chemical Drop-Off locations (selected fire stations or landfill site). Our closest fire department is Fire Station # 4 at 1991 – 18th Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations.

Electronics (computers, laptops, monitors, TV, printers, keyboards, etc) can be dropped off at the city electronic recycling depots. Our closest electronic recycling depot is Staples on 32nd Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations.

Please think of the environment before throwing out items. What you consider garbage may be useful to someone else. There are many centres that are looking for used furniture such as the Calgary Drop-In Centre which will pick up items free of charge. Clothing and light household items can be donated to thrift shops.

These are all extra steps for us but a better solution for a healthy environment.

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