Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Retaining Wall Update

The structure of the retainng wall is complete. There are still some outstanding items to be completed (electrical and numbering). Thank you for your patience during the construction time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our end of the retaining wall was built too low. We had flooding last fall right after it was built and we had a heavy rain storm (May 2013) and today, we are having more flooding. I have been 'sweeping' away water and breaking ice in the alleyway to try and deviate the water away to the sewage drain. I have also been waiting for months for the foreman, engineer, Jennifer, etc. to go over the plans with me to prove that it was either built correctly or incorrectly, and to address the grading issue but I have not seen a soul...
It's been almost a year of struggling to get answers and I'm tired.
Have to run, more water to sweep...