I must start off by saying how happy the board is to be working with Judy and Betty from Ultimate. They are dedicated, intuitive and intelligent women just the kind of brain power we needed to pull this condo corporation into 2008!
#1) Special Resolution Update - Thank you very much for all the support to pass the resolution in a timely manner, the resolution has passed for Phase 1 & 2 and the new bylaw is being registered at City Hall. The replacement of windows and doors is now the responsibility of the unit owner and the outside maintenance remains the responsibility of the board. Remember any work done on the exterior of your unit must be submitted to the board for approval before the work is started. The board will have the window and door specs (what kind of windows and door can I replace mine with?) to distribute to owners in April so if you have windows/doors that you would like to replace you can do so. This note leads me into the next big announcement that we are all VERY excited about!!!
#2) Caulking & Painting of ALL windows and doors late summer 2008 - Yes that is right folks Ultimate Property has already begun to collect quotes to have all our windows and door caulked with high grade caulking (not normal mono)! Now that the windows and doors are the responsibility of the owner we feel this work is TOP priority to complete to prolong the life of your current windows. This will give you a few months to replace any windows that need to be before the caulking/painting begins in late August. This job is going to cost a pretty penny and we will update you when we have chosen a contractor to complete the work! We are all very excited this work is finally going to get done!
#3) Phase 1 back decks - The board has chosen Hammer Down Deck Creations to discuss a contract to replace all the back decks in Phase 1. We have chosen no maintenance material and all the decks will be removed and rebuilt for safety and cosmetic reasons, they are going to look great. We will know when we can begin replacing decks when we have the quotes back from contractors for caulking and painting the windows.
As I know we all can agree the caulking and painting is the number on priority, decks a close second. Once we have all the quotes in hand we can choose the appropriate contractors that have come high recommended. Then we will look at the numbers and devise a strategy to get the windows/doors caulked and painted and the decks replaced.
We would like to hear you feedback on this topic of financing so the question we have for you is...
Would you pay a special assessment to have all this work done in the next 1-2 years OR would you rather spread all this work over 3-5 years to avoid a special assessment?
Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and remember if you have a complaint please send it in writing to Ultimate Property so the proper attention is giving to your situation.
Thank you,
MountviewParc Condo Board
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Sun is Shining...

Isn't this weather wonderful and if you are like me you are spending more time outdoors, but yuck winter seems so dirty! Now that the temperature has risen I have noticed garbage that has naturally collected in our neighborhood (including on my own area). If you have time in the next few days (while the weather stays nice) it would be great if everyone could pick up the garbage, cigarette butts, doggy do do etc. that has made its ways into our living spaces due to winter. If we all clean up our own area the whole community will be more pleasant to walk and live in.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Update from January 31 board meeting...
The board met with Ultimate Property on January 31 and discussed the following...
#1. The Special Resolution for the windows and doors has passed for Phase 2 with 87% of the owners retuning their completed letters to approve the resolution. Phase 1 still needs 5 additional owners to submit their signed letters for the resoultion to pass. Memebers of the board will be calling the owners that have not submitted their letters in Phase 1 to set up a time to visit them to discuss the resolution in more detail.
#2. The board has detemined the specs for replacing the exisiting decks in Phase 1 and will be making the final decision on which vendor we will use when we receive the final quotes at the next board meeting.
#3. The board ordered an extensive reveiw of the roofs and from the review there was a list of regular maintenence repairs that needed attention, all the roof repairs throughout Phase 1 & 2 have been completed.
#4. The board has approved a new insurance provider, BKI Insurance Inc. After an extensive review between BKI, Co-operators and Jones Brown it was clear BKI had the complete coverage we need at a price that suited the budget in Phase 1 & 2. The board is happy to report both Phases are saving a significant amount of money on insurance without having to sacrifice complete coverage.
#5. The board has approved to extend the Lanscaping and Snow removal contract with Longview. Longivew is framiliar with our property and the contract is within the budget set in Phase 1 & 2. Longview has gone above and beyond for us filling holes, removing random garbage etc. so the board is confident they will maintain a high standard of work in 2008/09.
#6. The board will begin to draft specs for the windows and doors and will continue to discuss and approve a set of guildelines oweners will follow when replacing windows and doors. This is an agenda item for the next board meeting so keep you eye open on the Blog for more details.
If you have any questions of comments on this information please contact Betty at Ultimate Property and she will be glad to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Thank you,
#1. The Special Resolution for the windows and doors has passed for Phase 2 with 87% of the owners retuning their completed letters to approve the resolution. Phase 1 still needs 5 additional owners to submit their signed letters for the resoultion to pass. Memebers of the board will be calling the owners that have not submitted their letters in Phase 1 to set up a time to visit them to discuss the resolution in more detail.
#2. The board has detemined the specs for replacing the exisiting decks in Phase 1 and will be making the final decision on which vendor we will use when we receive the final quotes at the next board meeting.
#3. The board ordered an extensive reveiw of the roofs and from the review there was a list of regular maintenence repairs that needed attention, all the roof repairs throughout Phase 1 & 2 have been completed.
#4. The board has approved a new insurance provider, BKI Insurance Inc. After an extensive review between BKI, Co-operators and Jones Brown it was clear BKI had the complete coverage we need at a price that suited the budget in Phase 1 & 2. The board is happy to report both Phases are saving a significant amount of money on insurance without having to sacrifice complete coverage.
#5. The board has approved to extend the Lanscaping and Snow removal contract with Longview. Longivew is framiliar with our property and the contract is within the budget set in Phase 1 & 2. Longview has gone above and beyond for us filling holes, removing random garbage etc. so the board is confident they will maintain a high standard of work in 2008/09.
#6. The board will begin to draft specs for the windows and doors and will continue to discuss and approve a set of guildelines oweners will follow when replacing windows and doors. This is an agenda item for the next board meeting so keep you eye open on the Blog for more details.
If you have any questions of comments on this information please contact Betty at Ultimate Property and she will be glad to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Thank you,
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