Friday, February 29, 2008

Update from February 28 condo board meeting...

I must start off by saying how happy the board is to be working with Judy and Betty from Ultimate. They are dedicated, intuitive and intelligent women just the kind of brain power we needed to pull this condo corporation into 2008!

#1) Special Resolution Update - Thank you very much for all the support to pass the resolution in a timely manner, the resolution has passed for Phase 1 & 2 and the new bylaw is being registered at City Hall. The replacement of windows and doors is now the responsibility of the unit owner and the outside maintenance remains the responsibility of the board. Remember any work done on the exterior of your unit must be submitted to the board for approval before the work is started. The board will have the window and door specs (what kind of windows and door can I replace mine with?) to distribute to owners in April so if you have windows/doors that you would like to replace you can do so. This note leads me into the next big announcement that we are all VERY excited about!!!

#2) Caulking & Painting of ALL windows and doors late summer 2008 - Yes that is right folks Ultimate Property has already begun to collect quotes to have all our windows and door caulked with high grade caulking (not normal mono)! Now that the windows and doors are the responsibility of the owner we feel this work is TOP priority to complete to prolong the life of your current windows. This will give you a few months to replace any windows that need to be before the caulking/painting begins in late August. This job is going to cost a pretty penny and we will update you when we have chosen a contractor to complete the work! We are all very excited this work is finally going to get done!

#3) Phase 1 back decks - The board has chosen Hammer Down Deck Creations to discuss a contract to replace all the back decks in Phase 1. We have chosen no maintenance material and all the decks will be removed and rebuilt for safety and cosmetic reasons, they are going to look great. We will know when we can begin replacing decks when we have the quotes back from contractors for caulking and painting the windows.

As I know we all can agree the caulking and painting is the number on priority, decks a close second. Once we have all the quotes in hand we can choose the appropriate contractors that have come high recommended. Then we will look at the numbers and devise a strategy to get the windows/doors caulked and painted and the decks replaced.

We would like to hear you feedback on this topic of financing so the question we have for you is...

Would you pay a special assessment to have all this work done in the next 1-2 years OR would you rather spread all this work over 3-5 years to avoid a special assessment?

Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and remember if you have a complaint please send it in writing to Ultimate Property so the proper attention is giving to your situation.

Thank you,
MountviewParc Condo Board


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say nice work on the blog. I had been wondering about the resolution and found out about it here. Are you going to make an official announcement to owners? I hadn't seen anything in the mail.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we will be making an official announcement to owners once we have drawn up the specs for the windows/doors so we can include that information for owners at the same time. Thank you for your feedback I am really enjoying maintaining the blog...Just in time information is important to provide to owners!

Elaina Venechuk

Anonymous said...

Yes, great job on the blog and keeping it up to date!!

I vote not to have a special assessment. Having said that, I also feel if a phased in approach, based on need, is decided on then could the rest of the owner’s get a copy of the list so that we all know when we are scheduled for?

Also, for those of us not scheduled for a complete “redo”, could we get a can of paint to paint the bare boards this year, or the specific colour name of the paint so we can buy a can and paint ourselves?

Anonymous said...

I agree no special would be better stretched over a period and who needs it the blog...The people on the Board are doing a great job...thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your feedback about financing the decks. I will bring all your comments to the next board meeting for discussion.

LJ said...

Excellent job on the blog! It's nice to know that some good work is being done. I also believe we should spread it out over more years and do the places in need first. I like the paint idea too. Getting a schedule of who will have their decks done in what year is a good idea too.

This is a great communication tool!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the feedback! There will NOT be a specail assesment for the deck replacement and it will be done in 2 phases. The worst decks will be done in Spring/Summer 08 and the others in Spring/Summer 09.