Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Update from November Phase One Board Meeting

The Phase One board members met on November 24 to review the proposed budget for 2009. All Phase One members should have received a letter in the mail by now outlining the budget for 2009. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Carole at Ultimate.

I have not forgotten about the gates for the new decks in Phase One, as soon as I know the ETA I will post it.


Anonymous said...

Would you beable to provide a bit more detail into the special assesment that will be collected in august please? Is it in order to fund a reserve study or is it to boost the reserve to a sustainable level?

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have noticed that one of the units in phase one has a big black composter on the side of their unit. It is very noticable from the street. Is this acceptable? If so, for the units in the middle of the four, can we put the composter on common property? What are the bylaws on this?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I posted this comment almost amonth ago. It has not been addressed. I am wondering why