A temporary garbage collection schedule is in effect this week and next. The garbage will be picked up from our area on...
Wednesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 31
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Condo Board & Ultimate Property Management Would Like to Wish You...

From our families to yours, we all wish you a safe, warm happy holiday and prosperous New Year. We look forward to another successful year at MountviewParc in 2009! Thank you for all your feedback through the blog this year, we will continue to do our best providing you with the information you need in a timely manner!
Happy Holidays MountviewParc!
ACTION REQUIRED BY OWNERS: Interior Water Shut off Valves
The board would like all owners that have interior water shut off valves to contact Ultimate asap. One unit per foursome contains 4 shut off valves in the basement. In case of emergency it is important Ultimate can access this information.
If you have the interior water shut off valves in your unit please email carole.oneill@ultimateproperty.ca. In your email please include the unit addresses of the foursome the water valves pertain to.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
If you have the interior water shut off valves in your unit please email carole.oneill@ultimateproperty.ca. In your email please include the unit addresses of the foursome the water valves pertain to.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
New City Bylaw 1P2007 - Dilapidated Vehicles
The new Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 came into effect on 2008 June 01. This bylaw provided a definition of what a Dilapidated Vehicle was, but did not change the rules regarding such vehicle. The bylaw states:
"dilapidated vehicle" means a vehicle that is:
(a) incapable of being safely operated;
(b) partially or fully dismantled; or
(c) substantially damaged.
(3) A dilapidated vehicle must not be located outside of a building.
If you have noticed any dilapidated vehicles on our property please call 311 to see if Bylaw 1P2007 applies.
"dilapidated vehicle" means a vehicle that is:
(a) incapable of being safely operated;
(b) partially or fully dismantled; or
(c) substantially damaged.
(3) A dilapidated vehicle must not be located outside of a building.
If you have noticed any dilapidated vehicles on our property please call 311 to see if Bylaw 1P2007 applies.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
City of Calgary Garbage Pick-up Schedule

For most Calgarians, regularly scheduled garbage pickup will occur one day earlier than normal during the holiday season.
If you receive garbage collection service on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday:
The following temporary changes will be in effect during the holiday season only. Collection of your garbage will happen one day earlier than normal until the end of 2008. We will resume garbage collection on your regular collection day during the first week of January.
Thursday collections...
Temporarily changed to Wednesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec 31
Please Consider...
The amount of garbage collected increases dramatically during the holiday season. Help the environment and keep collection crews on schedule by recycling paper, cardboard, and other materials at a nearby community recycling depot. For more information on residential garbage collection and recycling opportunities in your area, call 3-1-1 or visit www.calgary.ca/waste.
For other Calgary Service Holiday Schedules such as arenas and leisure centres click here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
City Issued Compost Bins
Currently, owners are allowed to place city-issued composting bins on common property, as long as prior approval has been received from the Board and as long as the bin is maintained as per City of Calgary guidelines. All bins currently on Mountview Parc property have been approved by the Board. The topic of composting bins is on the agenda for the Board's January 2009 meeting and we will notify owners and residents of the finalized policy afterwards.
The board wants to know what you think about composting bins? Let us know.
The board wants to know what you think about composting bins? Let us know.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snow Removal
A discussion between the board, Ultimate and Green Meadows our snow removal provider is taking place to ensure we recieve the level of service we expect.
Recycling being taken from decks...
We are aware of the homeless man that is sometimes spotted on our property. According to the bylaws recycling is not permitted on decks therefore if any recycling is taken from an owners deck the board is not responsible. The best way to keep this man off our property is to move recyclable inside the house. If we all live according to the bylaws and have our recycling stored in the house there will be no reason for this man to visit our property. If you had a new deck installed in 2008 and would like to look into the possibility of purchasing a gate please contact Ultimate.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Additional Information on Phase One Special Assessment
The board received a reuqest to provide additional information on the Special Assessement approved,
The projected Reserve balance Jan 2009 is $120,000. The cost to complete the Phase One deck & rail project & paint columns is $133,009. $75,000 will be added to Reserve from condo fees by the end of Jan 2010. Therefore $68,000 is needed to complete the summer work and will still leave $100,000 in Reserve by end of 2009 lessening the impact of the new Reserve Plan due in 2010.
For any addtional infomration please contact Ultimate directly.
Thank you,
The projected Reserve balance Jan 2009 is $120,000. The cost to complete the Phase One deck & rail project & paint columns is $133,009. $75,000 will be added to Reserve from condo fees by the end of Jan 2010. Therefore $68,000 is needed to complete the summer work and will still leave $100,000 in Reserve by end of 2009 lessening the impact of the new Reserve Plan due in 2010.
For any addtional infomration please contact Ultimate directly.
Thank you,
Phase One Decks - Gate Installment
The gates have arrived and will be installed the week of December 8th.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Update from November Phase One Board Meeting
The Phase One board members met on November 24 to review the proposed budget for 2009. All Phase One members should have received a letter in the mail by now outlining the budget for 2009. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Carole at Ultimate.
I have not forgotten about the gates for the new decks in Phase One, as soon as I know the ETA I will post it.
I have not forgotten about the gates for the new decks in Phase One, as soon as I know the ETA I will post it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Blogging Etiquette
Recently there was a post to the blog expressing a concern for how the blog is monitored so I would like to provide some background.
The blog is monitored daily and all comments posted to the blog are considered. Some discussions between the board and Ultimate take longer then others. If the comment or concern posted involves a specific issue the board will deal directly with the owners involved and once a solution has been reached an update is posted to the blog. The board chose to set it up as an open forum allowing owners to post comments rather then have it be a one way flow information and we have really enjoyed the interaction with owners.
We ask, if you have a concern with how this blog is monitored you contact me directly elaina.bordush@live.com rather then posting frustrations to the blog. I would be happy to discuss any concerns you may have one on one.
Thank you,
Elaina Bordush, Vice President
The blog is monitored daily and all comments posted to the blog are considered. Some discussions between the board and Ultimate take longer then others. If the comment or concern posted involves a specific issue the board will deal directly with the owners involved and once a solution has been reached an update is posted to the blog. The board chose to set it up as an open forum allowing owners to post comments rather then have it be a one way flow information and we have really enjoyed the interaction with owners.
We ask, if you have a concern with how this blog is monitored you contact me directly elaina.bordush@live.com rather then posting frustrations to the blog. I would be happy to discuss any concerns you may have one on one.
Thank you,
Elaina Bordush, Vice President
Friday, November 14, 2008
City Recycling Program...
2009 City Curbside Recycling Program

I just confirmed with the City our complexes are NOT eligible for city curbside recycling. There reasoning is as follows. When the independent recycling companies were upset because the city was introducing the program which would take business away from them the city came up with a proposal. The proposal that was decided on was the city would be responsible for all single family dwelling residences up to a four plex on a property and the independents can service everyone else. I figured since we were in a sense four plex's they would consider servicing our area since the independent recycling companies charge so much more then the $8.00/month others will be paying for city service.
I am personally very disappointed and have been looking forward to this program for years. I am going to pay to have my recycling picked up and was wondering if anyone else is interested in doing the same. The more people interested the better discount I would be able to get for all of us. Please email me directly if you are interested to elaina.bordush@live.com.
Thank you,
Update from October 28 Board Meeting

The condo board feels the summer was very successful overall with all the work done on the property including painting, cladding, new decks for half of phase one, grading to ensure proper water flow and other smaller fixes throughout the property. The next time we meet will be to determine the 2009 Budget. Highlights of the meeting are listed below.
1. We met Carole O'Neill for the first time and are excited she has joined our team and look forward to working with her in the future, please help me welcome Carole. Remember to send all your concerns and questions to her in writing for your request along with the correct address and contact information for a fast turn around time.
2. Window and deck painting has been completed. If you have any questions about this work let Carole know as soon as possible. Hope you agree the property looks much brighter and maintained.
3. PHASE 1 - All decks in phase one scheduled to be completed this summer are done. The board has decided lattice will not be allowed on the NEW decks in an attempt to maintain a uniform appearance. I have requested an updated on the gates and will post it when I know more.
1. Our bylaws state the only items allowed to be on decks are patio furniture, BBQ, bicycles and season items and nothing underneath. Please clean up your deck if there are other items on or underneath.
2. If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter via email please let us know at mountview.news.gmail.com.
3. Remember you are only allowed to put your garbage out for pick up the night before or the morning of the pick up according to city bylaws. Thursday is our collection day.
4. If you own a cat please do not let it roam free, this is against city bylaws and we don't want to have to call the pound!
1. Disconnect all outdoor hoses and bring them inside to prevent freezing.
2. Now is a good time to replace furnace filters and have your furnace professional cleaned.
3. Now is a good time to clean out all dying annuals and prepare perennials for the coming winter.
4. Any summer toys should be stored indoors.
5. Winter is coming and this is a good time to check your outdoor outlet to make sure it is working before the freezing Calgary weather hits!
If you have any questions or comments please let us know!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thanks to all Phase I owners/tenants who have taken their old lattice/garbage to the drop location. Pick-up has been moved to October 20th so that gives everyone the weekend to take the opportunity to dispose of lattice and other debris from on and around their decks. Please let your neighbors know in case they missed the notices.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Phase One: Garbage Removal
Please be advised only owners that received a NEW deck this summer are responsible for disposing lattice that was attached to the old decks. The remaining deck installations will be completed in 2009 and at that time lattice will not be permitted to be replaced and will need to be disposed.
All Phase one owners are welcome to take any garbage under or around your deck to the drop off site(in alley between the units on 32nd and 33rd Ave) between October 11-15.
All Phase one owners are welcome to take any garbage under or around your deck to the drop off site(in alley between the units on 32nd and 33rd Ave) between October 11-15.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Phase One Deck Project Update
The City of Calgary has confirmed the Phase One Decks are built to code as long as the stairs are 36" wide. Thank you,
The board is in the process of organizing a garbage pick up for the lattice and any other garbage stored under the old decks. The date/time/location will be posted in the next day or two please check back.
The board is also investigating painting the pillars that have unpainted areas due to the installation of the new decks, this will be done in 2009 since the warm weather this year is over.
The board is in the process of organizing a garbage pick up for the lattice and any other garbage stored under the old decks. The date/time/location will be posted in the next day or two please check back.
The board is also investigating painting the pillars that have unpainted areas due to the installation of the new decks, this will be done in 2009 since the warm weather this year is over.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Phase One Decks - Built to Code
Please see the note below from Carole at Utlimate Property. If you have any further questions please contact her directly, further posts to the blog on this matter will not be reposnded to.
"...Without question the decks are being built to code (it is not permissible to offer renovations or reconstruction in any other manner.)
All specifications are adhered to code as well as all pertinent inspections are performed.(City of Calgary"...Carole O'Neill, Condominium Property Manager
"...Without question the decks are being built to code (it is not permissible to offer renovations or reconstruction in any other manner.)
All specifications are adhered to code as well as all pertinent inspections are performed.(City of Calgary"...Carole O'Neill, Condominium Property Manager
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Update from Sept 22 Condo Board Meeting
Your new condo board, elected at the 2008 AGM, met for our first meeting and we are all ready to get back into the swing of things since fall has arrived. Alot of work has been done this summer and the complex is looking great! The painting and Phase One decks are just about complete. We have a few notices for you, please see below.
1. Ultimate Property Management Inc. - In an effort to increase the turnaround time on our requests we have been assigned a new property manager Carole O'Neil, please help me welcome her. Please keep in mind even though this is our third property manager, Judy Walker is the main manager of our property and continues to oversee our account on a daily basis and manages our contracts. We have renewed our contract with Ultimate Property for we feel that have helped us get back into positive situation enabling us to manage Mountviewparc properly going forward. The board has built in a condition of a 2 business day response to concerns they receive in writing from Mountviewparc owners.
2. How to submit a request/concern - For the fastest resolution please include the following when contacting Ultimate. Your Phase #, Address, Home/Cell phone#, full name, detailed description of request/concern. Include any other information you feel necessary for Ultimate to proceed with your request immediately.
3. Phase One Deck Installment - The decks are near completion and the privacy walls will be re-installed by the end of next week. The order has been placed for the gates and installment will commence when the shipment arrives.
IMPORTANT: some of you responded that you would like to purchase a gate but did NOT send the cheque, please contact Ultimate ASAP for payment had to be received by Sept 15 to have a gate ordered, as instructed on the letter.
4. Phase One Deck Lattice - The board has made a decision, lattice and storage will not be permitted under the new decks. This is in an effort to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the complex and prevent rodents from nesting under the decks. Spring 2009 we will ensure the landscaping company grooms the area under the deck and sprays for weeds.
5. Garbage - We have received some concerns from owners about garbage disposal. It is a city bylaw that owners must store garbage in plastic bags and in a container till garbage pick up. Owners can put their garbage out for pick up the night before or morning of the scheduled pick up..no earlier and no later. Here is the link out ling the city bylaws, specifically section 24 and 25 http://www.calgary.ca/DocGallery/BU/cityclerks/20m2001.pdf
6. Please let Ultimate know if you have had any trouble with a black cat getting into your garbage bins. We have had a few instances to date and if it continues the cat will be deemed a stray and will have to be dealt with.
7. Budget - Over the next two months all the outstanding invoices from the work done this summer will be settled (upon completion of the work). The November condo meeting agenda will be reserved to set out the 2009 budget for 2009.
If you would like any further information please contact Ultimate Property.
1. Ultimate Property Management Inc. - In an effort to increase the turnaround time on our requests we have been assigned a new property manager Carole O'Neil, please help me welcome her. Please keep in mind even though this is our third property manager, Judy Walker is the main manager of our property and continues to oversee our account on a daily basis and manages our contracts. We have renewed our contract with Ultimate Property for we feel that have helped us get back into positive situation enabling us to manage Mountviewparc properly going forward. The board has built in a condition of a 2 business day response to concerns they receive in writing from Mountviewparc owners.
2. How to submit a request/concern - For the fastest resolution please include the following when contacting Ultimate. Your Phase #, Address, Home/Cell phone#, full name, detailed description of request/concern. Include any other information you feel necessary for Ultimate to proceed with your request immediately.
3. Phase One Deck Installment - The decks are near completion and the privacy walls will be re-installed by the end of next week. The order has been placed for the gates and installment will commence when the shipment arrives.
IMPORTANT: some of you responded that you would like to purchase a gate but did NOT send the cheque, please contact Ultimate ASAP for payment had to be received by Sept 15 to have a gate ordered, as instructed on the letter.
4. Phase One Deck Lattice - The board has made a decision, lattice and storage will not be permitted under the new decks. This is in an effort to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the complex and prevent rodents from nesting under the decks. Spring 2009 we will ensure the landscaping company grooms the area under the deck and sprays for weeds.
5. Garbage - We have received some concerns from owners about garbage disposal. It is a city bylaw that owners must store garbage in plastic bags and in a container till garbage pick up. Owners can put their garbage out for pick up the night before or morning of the scheduled pick up..no earlier and no later. Here is the link out ling the city bylaws, specifically section 24 and 25 http://www.calgary.ca/DocGallery/BU/cityclerks/20m2001.pdf
6. Please let Ultimate know if you have had any trouble with a black cat getting into your garbage bins. We have had a few instances to date and if it continues the cat will be deemed a stray and will have to be dealt with.
7. Budget - Over the next two months all the outstanding invoices from the work done this summer will be settled (upon completion of the work). The November condo meeting agenda will be reserved to set out the 2009 budget for 2009.
If you would like any further information please contact Ultimate Property.
Monday, September 22, 2008
New Decks - Phase One
The condo board will be discussing the new deck installation in Phase One tonight at the condo board meeting.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Furniture Deliveries
The delivery company should be able to work with the new decks to get the furniture in the house. If you purchase furniture/appliances and are concerned about it fitting in your unit please contact the delivery company to discuss.
Phase One - Gate Installment Letters
If you received a letter from the Ultimate Property company concerning the gate installment on the back decks and you are scheduled to received the new deck in 2009please ignore the letter, they were sent to all of Phase One by mistake.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Regrading on Merrill Drive
UPDATE Phase One - Deck Gate Option
Some basic information about the gate option is as follow. The gate would be installed at the top of the stairs and would be a continuation of the railing, same material. Purchasing the gate would be a way for owners to secure their deck and have additional privacy. If you need any further information please contact Tanya Dion at Ultimate Property.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
When will the deck railings be installed in Phase One?
Ultimate has advised the board that the installation of the new deck railings will begin the week of September 15. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns please let Ultimate know prior to the next condo board meeting on September 22.
Thank you,
If you have any comments, questions or concerns please let Ultimate know prior to the next condo board meeting on September 22.
Thank you,
Friday, August 15, 2008
The complex looks better by the day...
Hello everyone, the board has set the date of the next condo board meeting on September 22, if you have anything you would like us to discuss please email Tanya at Ultimate. All the cualking/cladding is complete and the painting has begun. It is amazing the improvment to to appearance of the buildings! Any windows that weren't cladded are being sanded and painted and I know my unit looks 100% better. The deck replacement project is in full swing in Phase 1 and so from I hear so far so good. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or issues with any of the work being done around our property.
Thank you and we hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Thank you and we hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Blue Truck Parking Problem (behind Merrill Drive)
If you have had any issues with a blue truck parking in your stall please send an email to Tanya Dion our new property manager. The only way we can fix the problem is if we receive the complaints in writing (email fine). Also if anyone could include the license plate number that would be great.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Window Cladding and Caulking

As you may have noticed all the windows are being caulked and cladded. So far from what we have seen they are doing an excellent job. The main floor living room windows look much better with the cladding attached and the life of the windows have been extended significantly! All the other windows in the unit are being caulked with top of the high caulk to prevent replacement in the near future. If you have any comments or questions about this work being done around the complex please let Tanya at Ultimate know.
New Condo Board
Your new condo board members and their titles are...
Phase One
Gayle Philips - President
Elaina Venechuk - Vice President
Janet Noble - Treasurer
Robin Hayes - Secretary
Cathy Sanders - Director
Phase Two
Diane Casimir - Newsletter
Amanda Bierkos - Landscaping/Snow
Michael Federkeil - Building Maintenance
The AGM Meeting Minutes highlights will be posted soon. Sorry for the delay!
Phase One
Gayle Philips - President
Elaina Venechuk - Vice President
Janet Noble - Treasurer
Robin Hayes - Secretary
Cathy Sanders - Director
Phase Two
Diane Casimir - Newsletter
Amanda Bierkos - Landscaping/Snow
Michael Federkeil - Building Maintenance
The AGM Meeting Minutes highlights will be posted soon. Sorry for the delay!
Monday, June 23, 2008
AGM Updates Coming Soon
I will be posting updates from the 2008 AGM by the end of the week including the introduction on the new Condo Board.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Monday, June 16, 2008
AGM Reminder - Thursday
Friday, June 6, 2008
New Property Manager
Due to some personal things Betty has been dealing with she will not longer be our property manager, we wish her all the best. We thank Betty for all her had work getting Mountview Parc back on its feet because we all know we needed someone to whip this complex into shape and get us on track and we all feel Betty was a huge part of that! Tanya Dion is our new property manager, Judy will continue to work closely with her and get her up to speed. Please welcome her if/when you speak with her as she is now your contact at Ultimate. Her email is listed on the blog with Ultimates contact info.
Thank you for your support in this time of transition.
Thank you for your support in this time of transition.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
CRIME WATCH!..Post from owner
Hello Neighbours,
Our friend came down from Edmonton for a wedding via her motorcycle. She parked it in the visitor parking behind our house. Sometime between 2pm and 1:30am on May 31 someone stole her licence plate (AJ-702). It was not just ripped off, someone took the time to unscrew it. If anyone saw someone fiddling with a motor bike other then a five foot tall girl, please contact us at 609 33rd Ave.
Our friend came down from Edmonton for a wedding via her motorcycle. She parked it in the visitor parking behind our house. Sometime between 2pm and 1:30am on May 31 someone stole her licence plate (AJ-702). It was not just ripped off, someone took the time to unscrew it. If anyone saw someone fiddling with a motor bike other then a five foot tall girl, please contact us at 609 33rd Ave.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Spring is here and the grass is green!

Now that the weather is nicer more of us are out and about enjoying the neighborhood. The Spring and Summer is a great time to get to know your neighbor and enjoy being outdoors! A few notifications...
1. The weeds on the lawns will be taken care of as soon as the ground is dry to ensure the spray works. In the meantime we suggest you at least remove the yellow heads of the dandelions before they go to seed and get worse. If we get in the habit of doing this year to year maybe we could get rid of them!
2. We have receive a few complaints about Doggy Do Do not being picked up around the complex, please please please pick up the poo! If there is dead grass around your unit from the Doggy Pee (this is hard to prevent) please plant some grass seed to even out the lawn. As all dog owners know having a pet means cleaning up them and repairing and damage they have have caused.
3. With all the rain we have been having the lawns are nice and green, lets work together to keep it that way, water when they are looking a little dry a couple times a week and the complex as a whole will be much easier on the eye!
4. The Phase 2 Spring walk around will take place on June 6 so you will see us out and about looking for any maintenance issues that have been neglected to cleanup this year and well as taking a look to make sure the decks as neat and tidy.
5. The Annual General Meeting is coming up on June 19. We thank you in advance for your attendance, this is a great way for you to voice your opinions and concerns. We will also be looking for additional members on the Condo Board.
6. The Phase 1 Spring walk around was completed and lots of great maintenance work will be done throughout the phase over the next couple of months. Such things as water faucets that are not properly attached to the house and overgrown shrubs/trees will be taken care of...Finally!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Betty at Ultimate.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Spring Complex Walk-Through
The Spring walk through has been done for Phase One. The decks that will be replaced in 2008 have been determined and will be released soon along with all the other findings from the walk through. The Phase Two walk through will be scheduled soon, when the date is determined it will be posted here. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ultimate before the next board meeting on May 21.
Friday, April 25, 2008
First Annual Spring Clean-up
The board is confident the snow will be melted by April 30 so the Spring Clean-up will start over the weekend with the garbage pick up on next Wednesday! If you have any questions or concerns please contact Betty at Ultimate.
Friday, April 11, 2008
What am I allowed to have on my deck?
We have been collecting feedback from you on the issue of the homeless man in our neighborhood removing bottles from people's decks and have discussed the issue. The result is that owners are only allowed to store BBQ's and patio furniture on the back decks (both Phases) and bottles should be kept inside the home therefore by leaving recyclables on the decks you are running the risk of them being taken. We all agreed to the bylaws when we purchased our property at MountviewParc and must abide by what can and can't be stored on our decks. During the Spring Walk Around of the property the board will be checking to see that owners only have items listed in the bylaws on their decks.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, April 7, 2008
First Annual Spring Clean Up for ALL Owners & Tenants

The board has decided to hire Longview Landscaping (great deal negotiated) to do a garbage pick up from the complex on Wednesday, April 30. If you have garbage on or under your deck we would really appreciate your help to bring it to the designated location during the drop off window outlined below. The board has been working really hard to get everything in order around the complex and we really need your support for our First Annual Spring Clean Up Initiative so it is a success. Here are the details.
Items NOT ALLOWED to be Dropped Off at Designated Site
- Household appliances (fridges, stoves etc.)
- Mattresses
- Any household furniture (couches, bed frames etc.)
- Any automobile parts/accessories (batteries, tires etc.)
- Any chemicals
- Any paint or paint accessories
- Any electronics (stereos, TV, computers etc.)
- Any other items that are large or can't be put in a landfill
*If you are unsure about an item you would like removed please call Ultimate.
Examples of permitted items - Old construction materials, old plants and flowers and garbage that has collected under/around your deck. Anything that makes your area of the complex look dingy.
Garbage Pick-up Date: Wednesday, April 30
Garbage Drop Off Window:April 26 till the evening of April 29
Garbage Drop Off Location - On the cement pad located on the east end of the alley between Merrill Drive and the park.
We are looking forward to everyone participating, lets clean up the community so we can enjoy the Spring and Summer garbage free!
For any additional information please contact Ultimate Property Management.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
March 27 Condo Board Updates

Once again we had a very productive meeting with many positive outcomes. Please read below to review the decisions we made for the upcoming months.
#1. The caulking (Foothills Building Components, contract close to being confirmed) and painting (Harding's Painting) of all the windows and doors is in motion and we are close to entering into contracts with reputable vendors to complete the work. The caulking will be done this spring and early summer and the painting mid to late summer! Included in the contract for the Phase 1 and 2 is the painting of the front decks, the loose paint will be scraped off and light sanding done and paint applied. All the paint applied to windows, doors and decks is called "Flood" paint and is the best product we could find on the market to withstand the elements. Come September our community is going to look fresh and rejuvenated and we are all very excited about it and hope you are to!
#2. The back decks in Phase 1 will be replaced without a special assessment to the owners of Phase 1. Half of the decks will be replaced in Summer 08 and the remaining will be replaced in Summer 09. We had devised a financial strategy to do this work without additional cost to you so that is great news. We will be replacing the entire deck (except the divider will be re-used), the railings will be white metal and the deck floor will be a no maintenance material that is durable and will last for years to come. The board and Ultimate will be doing a Spring walk around of the property to assess all work that needs to be done during the summer and at the same time Ultimate will determine which decks will be replaced first. To make it fair the board will not tell them which decks are ours during the walk around so the decision of whose decks are replaced will not be a joint effort between the board and Ultimate it will be Ultimates decision. Remember if your neighbors deck has been deemed unsafe and is part of the first deck replacement then yours will be replace as well because they are joined together and will be replaced as one large deck.
#3. The board is discussing having Longview Landscaping do a spring garbage pickup from the property. This would enable owners to clean-up under their decks and around their units and bring garbage to a central location and Longview would remove it. Stuff like, old wood and junk that has collected on your deck or under it. Would you be interested in something like this? Let us know by adding a comment to this post on the blog.
#4. We discussed lawn care this spring/summer and stuck in the same situation as every other year, Do we fertilize the lawns and risk wasting the money due to lack of watering by owners? We want to fertilize (aerating is not in the budget for 2008, we will revisit this in 2009) and we want owners to water their lawns but of course there is no guarantees. We are going to continue discussing this matter and will keep you updated. We would like your feedback by posting a comment on the blog.
#5. ATTENTION ALL UNITS THAT HOLD THE MASTER WATER VALVES! Please contact Betty at Ultimate as soon as you can so we have a complete list of the units that have all 4 master water valves for the building (4 units). We need this list in case of emergency. All units have a water shut off valve but one of the 4 has the master water shut off to the street. Thank you for your attention to this.
#6. The March/April newsletter will be distributed soon and along with it you will receive a pet registration notice. It is very important we know what pets you have in your house in case of an emergency. Please fill out the form and return it to Ultimate ASAP if you have pets.
#7. The Spring walk around will take place late April and we are looking for ANY work that needs to be done to siding, lawns, roofs, drain sprouts etc. We will also be looking at what items are on owners decks with the bylaws in mind. If you are unsure what can be on your deck and need information please contact Betty at Ultimate for a list of allowable items. During the walk through we will have to walk onto your deck to assess possible damage. We will post the date when it is confirmed on the Blog as a heads up.
#8. The window and door specs are coming together and we will distribute a copy to all owners once we have them complete.
#9. The next AGM meeting will take place mid year 2008 but has not been determined to date.
#10. The usual reminder that all complaints or inquires have to be submitted in writing to Ultimate for them to be discussed and resolved. Thank you for your cooperation.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Update from February 28 condo board meeting...
I must start off by saying how happy the board is to be working with Judy and Betty from Ultimate. They are dedicated, intuitive and intelligent women just the kind of brain power we needed to pull this condo corporation into 2008!
#1) Special Resolution Update - Thank you very much for all the support to pass the resolution in a timely manner, the resolution has passed for Phase 1 & 2 and the new bylaw is being registered at City Hall. The replacement of windows and doors is now the responsibility of the unit owner and the outside maintenance remains the responsibility of the board. Remember any work done on the exterior of your unit must be submitted to the board for approval before the work is started. The board will have the window and door specs (what kind of windows and door can I replace mine with?) to distribute to owners in April so if you have windows/doors that you would like to replace you can do so. This note leads me into the next big announcement that we are all VERY excited about!!!
#2) Caulking & Painting of ALL windows and doors late summer 2008 - Yes that is right folks Ultimate Property has already begun to collect quotes to have all our windows and door caulked with high grade caulking (not normal mono)! Now that the windows and doors are the responsibility of the owner we feel this work is TOP priority to complete to prolong the life of your current windows. This will give you a few months to replace any windows that need to be before the caulking/painting begins in late August. This job is going to cost a pretty penny and we will update you when we have chosen a contractor to complete the work! We are all very excited this work is finally going to get done!
#3) Phase 1 back decks - The board has chosen Hammer Down Deck Creations to discuss a contract to replace all the back decks in Phase 1. We have chosen no maintenance material and all the decks will be removed and rebuilt for safety and cosmetic reasons, they are going to look great. We will know when we can begin replacing decks when we have the quotes back from contractors for caulking and painting the windows.
As I know we all can agree the caulking and painting is the number on priority, decks a close second. Once we have all the quotes in hand we can choose the appropriate contractors that have come high recommended. Then we will look at the numbers and devise a strategy to get the windows/doors caulked and painted and the decks replaced.
We would like to hear you feedback on this topic of financing so the question we have for you is...
Would you pay a special assessment to have all this work done in the next 1-2 years OR would you rather spread all this work over 3-5 years to avoid a special assessment?
Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and remember if you have a complaint please send it in writing to Ultimate Property so the proper attention is giving to your situation.
Thank you,
MountviewParc Condo Board
#1) Special Resolution Update - Thank you very much for all the support to pass the resolution in a timely manner, the resolution has passed for Phase 1 & 2 and the new bylaw is being registered at City Hall. The replacement of windows and doors is now the responsibility of the unit owner and the outside maintenance remains the responsibility of the board. Remember any work done on the exterior of your unit must be submitted to the board for approval before the work is started. The board will have the window and door specs (what kind of windows and door can I replace mine with?) to distribute to owners in April so if you have windows/doors that you would like to replace you can do so. This note leads me into the next big announcement that we are all VERY excited about!!!
#2) Caulking & Painting of ALL windows and doors late summer 2008 - Yes that is right folks Ultimate Property has already begun to collect quotes to have all our windows and door caulked with high grade caulking (not normal mono)! Now that the windows and doors are the responsibility of the owner we feel this work is TOP priority to complete to prolong the life of your current windows. This will give you a few months to replace any windows that need to be before the caulking/painting begins in late August. This job is going to cost a pretty penny and we will update you when we have chosen a contractor to complete the work! We are all very excited this work is finally going to get done!
#3) Phase 1 back decks - The board has chosen Hammer Down Deck Creations to discuss a contract to replace all the back decks in Phase 1. We have chosen no maintenance material and all the decks will be removed and rebuilt for safety and cosmetic reasons, they are going to look great. We will know when we can begin replacing decks when we have the quotes back from contractors for caulking and painting the windows.
As I know we all can agree the caulking and painting is the number on priority, decks a close second. Once we have all the quotes in hand we can choose the appropriate contractors that have come high recommended. Then we will look at the numbers and devise a strategy to get the windows/doors caulked and painted and the decks replaced.
We would like to hear you feedback on this topic of financing so the question we have for you is...
Would you pay a special assessment to have all this work done in the next 1-2 years OR would you rather spread all this work over 3-5 years to avoid a special assessment?
Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and remember if you have a complaint please send it in writing to Ultimate Property so the proper attention is giving to your situation.
Thank you,
MountviewParc Condo Board
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Sun is Shining...

Isn't this weather wonderful and if you are like me you are spending more time outdoors, but yuck winter seems so dirty! Now that the temperature has risen I have noticed garbage that has naturally collected in our neighborhood (including on my own area). If you have time in the next few days (while the weather stays nice) it would be great if everyone could pick up the garbage, cigarette butts, doggy do do etc. that has made its ways into our living spaces due to winter. If we all clean up our own area the whole community will be more pleasant to walk and live in.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Update from January 31 board meeting...
The board met with Ultimate Property on January 31 and discussed the following...
#1. The Special Resolution for the windows and doors has passed for Phase 2 with 87% of the owners retuning their completed letters to approve the resolution. Phase 1 still needs 5 additional owners to submit their signed letters for the resoultion to pass. Memebers of the board will be calling the owners that have not submitted their letters in Phase 1 to set up a time to visit them to discuss the resolution in more detail.
#2. The board has detemined the specs for replacing the exisiting decks in Phase 1 and will be making the final decision on which vendor we will use when we receive the final quotes at the next board meeting.
#3. The board ordered an extensive reveiw of the roofs and from the review there was a list of regular maintenence repairs that needed attention, all the roof repairs throughout Phase 1 & 2 have been completed.
#4. The board has approved a new insurance provider, BKI Insurance Inc. After an extensive review between BKI, Co-operators and Jones Brown it was clear BKI had the complete coverage we need at a price that suited the budget in Phase 1 & 2. The board is happy to report both Phases are saving a significant amount of money on insurance without having to sacrifice complete coverage.
#5. The board has approved to extend the Lanscaping and Snow removal contract with Longview. Longivew is framiliar with our property and the contract is within the budget set in Phase 1 & 2. Longview has gone above and beyond for us filling holes, removing random garbage etc. so the board is confident they will maintain a high standard of work in 2008/09.
#6. The board will begin to draft specs for the windows and doors and will continue to discuss and approve a set of guildelines oweners will follow when replacing windows and doors. This is an agenda item for the next board meeting so keep you eye open on the Blog for more details.
If you have any questions of comments on this information please contact Betty at Ultimate Property and she will be glad to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Thank you,
#1. The Special Resolution for the windows and doors has passed for Phase 2 with 87% of the owners retuning their completed letters to approve the resolution. Phase 1 still needs 5 additional owners to submit their signed letters for the resoultion to pass. Memebers of the board will be calling the owners that have not submitted their letters in Phase 1 to set up a time to visit them to discuss the resolution in more detail.
#2. The board has detemined the specs for replacing the exisiting decks in Phase 1 and will be making the final decision on which vendor we will use when we receive the final quotes at the next board meeting.
#3. The board ordered an extensive reveiw of the roofs and from the review there was a list of regular maintenence repairs that needed attention, all the roof repairs throughout Phase 1 & 2 have been completed.
#4. The board has approved a new insurance provider, BKI Insurance Inc. After an extensive review between BKI, Co-operators and Jones Brown it was clear BKI had the complete coverage we need at a price that suited the budget in Phase 1 & 2. The board is happy to report both Phases are saving a significant amount of money on insurance without having to sacrifice complete coverage.
#5. The board has approved to extend the Lanscaping and Snow removal contract with Longview. Longivew is framiliar with our property and the contract is within the budget set in Phase 1 & 2. Longview has gone above and beyond for us filling holes, removing random garbage etc. so the board is confident they will maintain a high standard of work in 2008/09.
#6. The board will begin to draft specs for the windows and doors and will continue to discuss and approve a set of guildelines oweners will follow when replacing windows and doors. This is an agenda item for the next board meeting so keep you eye open on the Blog for more details.
If you have any questions of comments on this information please contact Betty at Ultimate Property and she will be glad to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Thank you,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Concerned Owner on Merrill Drive
It has been brought to the boards attention a man has been in our neighborhood asking owners for bottles to recycle for money. An owner on Merrill Drive found him on the back deck a couple of weeks ago looking for bottles and she told him her son was keeping them but when the owner went back inside the house he took the bottles from the deck. Please contact Ultimate if you have had an encounter with this man, he pushes a shopping cart, or any other situation of this nature. Thank you.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Doggy Do Do

Well all love our animals and we are lucky to be able to have our best friends live with us at Mountview Parc. This is a friendly reminder to pick up to do do left behind when you are out for a walk with your dog. Contrary to the extensive research done of the bio degradable components of snow, doggy do do will stay true to its form till it is disposed of...thank you!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Special Resolution Letters - Update

Your Board of Directors is working diligently to resolve some long-outstanding issues (windows, decks etc.). We would like to thank everyone who returned their special resolution forms promptly we are making great progress in obtaining the Special Resolution. With the holiday season, it might be that you forgot to return your form to Ultimate – if this is the case, please do so at your earliest convenience (if you require a replacement form, please contact Betty at Ultimate). The success or failure of the special resolution plays a major role in dictating our future course of action. Thank you again to all owners who have responded.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Calgary Community Recycling Program

A few of the owners at Mountview have taken recycling into their own hands and have signed up with Calgary Community Recycling. They offer curbside recycling services at a very reasonable price. Here is the link for more information http://www.calgaryrecycling.com/. You could even partner up with your neighbor and split the cost.
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