Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Phase II Retaining Wall

Work to replace four portions of the Phase II retaining wall has been delayed due to hold ups obtaining city permits. Phase II homeowners should have received information regarding the retaining wall and the special assessment. If you did not, please contact Ultimate Property Management. 

The Board and Ultimate Property Management continue to work with the city to resolve all outstanding issues.

Christmas Decorating Tips

The holiday season is fast approaching. Below are tips for decorating this holiday season.

Before setting up Christmas tree lights, ensure the strings are inspected for damages (e.g. frayed cords, damaged sockets). Remove and replace damaged sets immediately with sets that are C.S.A. approved.

Only lights approved for indoor use should be used inside your home.

Only lights approved for outdoor use should be used outside your home.

Ensure electrical cords used to power Christmas lights and decorations are CSA approved and in good repair.

Ensure that metal decorations (e.g. icicles, tinsel, and garland) are kept away from bulb sockets and are not touching the lights, as these can be conductors of electricity.

Ensure tree decorations are flame-resistant or non-combustible.

Ensure that all Christmas tree lights are turned off when leaving your home.

Ensure highly flammable materials (e.g. cotton batting) are not used as decorations. Use flame-resistant or non-combustible materials only.

February 28 is the deadline to remove Christmas decorations.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.