Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays

The Condo Board and Unit Management would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and All the Best in the New Year.

Garbage Collection over the holidays

Our garbage collection dates have been changed over the holiday season. Garbage will be collected on Monday, December 29, 2014 and on Monday, January 5, 2015. Garbage collection will return to our regular date on Thursday January 8, 2014.

Recycling over the holiday season

There will be no recycling pick up on Thursday Dec. 25, 2014. The next scheduled pick up will be Thursday January 1, 2015.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Parking Stalls

Each unit has been assigned a parking stall. Please ensure that you are using the stall assigned to your unit. According to city bylaws a home owner can have unauthorized vehicles towed from their parking stall. Please contact Unit Management Ltd. if you are unsure which parking stall is yours.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mountview Parc Condo Community Facebook page

A member of our community has take the initiative and set up a Facebook page..


Please note that neither the Condo Board nor Unit Management Ltd. is involved.

Spring Walk Around - Monday June 23, 2014

The spring walk around has been scheduled for Monday June 23, 2014. Board Members and Unit Management will be assessing the complex for items in need of repair.

The results of the walk around will allow the Board to identify issues that need to be addressed and plan for future work. Please let us know if you have any concerns. Please contact Unit Management Ltd. or leave your comments on the blog.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thank you for attending the Annual General Meeting

The Board would like to thank everyone who attended the AGM last week. The Board is pleased to welcome new board members. The Board would also like to thank all outgoing board members. Your dedication to our community is very much appreciated. We always welcome feedback from you to ensure we are making the right decisions to ensure our property is maintained according to the Bylaws and has a uniform look and function.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday June 5, 2014 - 7 to 9 p.m. at Mountview / Winston Heights Community Hall. All homeowners should have received a notification package in the mail. It is important for all homeowners to attend the meeting. There will be multiple board positions available. Please contact Unit Management if you have any questions.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cancelled Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting scheduled for Wed. May 21, 2014 has been cancelled. Unit Management will send out notifications once a new date has been selected.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring Cleaning Garbage Bins – May 8 to May 19, 2014

Two large bins will be provided to help facilitate your spring cleaning. The bins will be located on the cement pad in the alley behind Merrill Drive and in the parking area between 32nd and 33 Street..

Please place your items in the bin. No large items (furniture, appliances)..

Please think of the environment before throwing out items. What you consider garbage may be useful to someone else..

Household chemicals (paint, antifreeze, automotive batteries, glues, nail polish and remover, propane tanks, fertilizer, ant, rodent or weed killer, bleach, cleaning solvents, etc. can be dropped off at Household Chemical Drop-Off locations (selected fire stations or landfill site). Our closest fire department is Fire Station # 4 at 1991 – 18th Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations..

Electronics (computers, laptops, monitors, TV, printers, keyboards, etc) can be dropped off at the city electronic recycling depots. Our closest electronic recycling depot is Staples on 32nd Ave. NE. Please check out the City of Calgary’s web site or call 311 for acceptable items and other locations..

Please think of the environment before throwing out items. What you consider garbage may be useful to someone else. There are many centres that are looking for used furniture such as the Calgary Drop-In Centre which will pick up items free of charge. Clothing and light household items can be donated to thrift shops. .

These are all extra steps for us but a better solution for a healthy environment.

Spring Clean Up

Now that spring has finally arrived it is time to clean up the flower gardens. Please clean out the leaves, dead growth, debris and garbage from your garden area..

It is vital that you clean up all the dead growth as this can harbour diseases and insects that may affect the new, green growth emerging from plants. .

Over the months our siding and windows get dirty from the weather elements. The Board encourages homeowners to use a spray hose their siding and wash windows to make everything look bright and fresh for the coming season.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Updates from the Board

Wednesday May 21, 2014 has been tentatively scheduled for the Annual General Meeting. Confirmation will follow.

Unit Management Ltd. is obtaining quotes for garbage bins to help facilitate your spring cleaning. Dates to be confirmed.

The structure of the Phase II retaining wall is complete. There are still some minor items to be completed. The Board is looking into gravel options for the parking stalls.

Spring Walk Around

The Board will be scheduling a spring walk around to assess the complex for items in need of repair.

The results of the walk around will allow the Board to identify issues that need to be addressed and plan for future work. Please let us know if you have any concerns. Please contact Unit Management Ltd. or leave your comments on the blog.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Retaining Wall Update

The structure of the retainng wall is complete. There are still some outstanding items to be completed (electrical and numbering). Thank you for your patience during the construction time.