Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Cleanup Tips

With the arrival of spring comes the annual spring cleaning. Nothing can make you feel better in your living space than having it freshly cleaned.

Here are some tips to conquer cleanup projects.

* Wash the blinds - Metal blinds can be removed from the window and taken outside for washing. Use a scouring brush with a mild cleaner and some water to loosen dirt. Hang the blinds on a slanted surface and hose down with the garden hose to clean off the dirt.

* Clean the windows - Use water and dish soap and a sponge to wipe the inside and outside of windows. A rubber-tipped squeegee can be used to remove the excess moisture and provide a nice sheen on the window. It's less wasteful than using a handful of paper towels.

* Switch fan directions - Ceiling fans set to spin in a clockwise rotation draw air upward and then redistribute the warm air that collects at the ceiling. Clockwise is the ideal direction for the winter, but when spring arrives, it's time to hit the switch to change the blades to spin counterclockwise. Be sure to thoroughly dust the fan blades first, or you could end up with dust bunnies blowing around the room.

* Replace surface protectors - The small, adhesive pads that are placed on chair legs and furniture to protect against wood floor scratches need to be changed periodically. That's because dirt can accumulate under the pads and eventually damage the floor.

* Switch the linens - Change out comforters and darker shaded fabrics for lightweight items that bring a fresh, clean feeling that's perfect for spring.

* Clean the refrigerator - Remove old food and discard and take out other items and place in a cooler. Use a baking soda and water solution to scrub stains and sanitize the shelves and walls of the refrigerator.

* Clean the carpets - Rent a carpet shampooer and thoroughly clean the carpeting. Open the windows and let the crisp spring air help dry the damp carpeting afterwards.

* Clean the filters, ducts and vents - Spring might be synonymous with warmer temperatures, but for allergy sufferers spring can be a difficult time of year. When spring cleaning, don't forget to thoroughly clean filters, ducts and vents to help decrease exposure to airborne allergens.

Clear the basement of potentially harmful supplies - basements are often used to store paints, paint thinners, oils, solvents and other potentially toxic supplies. If any of these toxic supplies are old, consult the Recycling Centre to determine how best to discard such items. For those you want to keep, be sure the lids are tight and not leaking potentially harmful chemicals into the air.

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